Thursday, February 9, 2012


Case Study : 
Digital Phoenix Project, Arizona State University, College of Design

A Virtual Reality model of downtown Phoenix, Arizona covers a 1 mile x 1 mile square area and visualizes traffic patterns and future developments in the built environment.
Scenarios can predict what traffic grid will look like if, for example, in 2011 the stadiums, convention center and opera hall have events at the same time. A new light rail system, aimed to be completed later this year, is also included in the traffic analysis. Most of the buildings, lane conditions, traffic signals, lights, and stop signs in the area have implemented in the model and visualized in a real-time, fully 3D environment.

The Digital Phoenix Project is still being worked on by Arizona State University professors and students who are hoping to mitigate Arizona's urban sprawl problems by facilitating better urban planning and visualization of development. They are also experimenting with using the model in an immersive theater and in connection with tangible interfaces.


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